Saturday, February 21, 2009


What is the content you’ll be using in your lesson?

I will be using Grade Seven Social Studies Standard 1 Objective 1 which states: Students will understand the interaction between Utah’s geography and its inhabitants. The students will investigate the relationships between the physical geography and Utah's settlement.

What is the pedagogy you’ll be using and why is it a good fit with the content?

The pedagogy I will be using is mainly observation. Students will observe the four locations using Google Earth. Also, students will record data and answer questions on the worksheets.
Observation and recording data are good fits for the content because the students will need to mentally and visually observe the physical geography of Utah in order to make deductions to why people settle in a specific region or why people do not settle in a specific region. Recording data is important so that the students do not forget what they thought and observed while working with Google Earth.

What is the technology you’ll be using and why is it a good fit with the content and pedagogy?

I will be using Google Earth; it is a perfect fit with the content because it allows students to view physical geography. Not only do students see where a specific physical feature is located, but they can use the terrain label to see the physical feature from a three-dimensional perspective. Google Earth allows the physical features to appear on the computer screen just as they would in real life. Students get a real feel and sense of what each physical feature looks like. It is as if I brought the Great Salt Lake into my classroom for the students to observe! Google Earth is a perfect fit for the pedagogy because it is a program that allows students to observe and record data. Google Earth is kid friendly and it is a technology that is safe and easy to use in a classroom.

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