Saturday, February 21, 2009

Plan a Tour

Location ActivityGoogle Earth Content
1. Great Salt LakeStudents will learn that people do not settle right near the Great Salt Lake, but instead live up higher in the upper plains of the Salt Lake Valley. What do you think would happen to a house if it was built on the shores of the Great Salt Lake? (Shore erosion is a big danger) Is a foundation for a house stronger in the upper plains or close to the Great Salt Lake? (Upper plains because of shore erosion) What are some other reasons people do not live near the Great Salt Lake? (The answer to this question is that the shoreline smells because of decaying brine shrimp and brine flies that wash up on the shore)

Polygon-Draw a polygon shape to outline the Great Salt Lake

The terrain tool should be checked.

2. Arches and Natural Bridges ParkStudents will research the Arches and Natural Bridges Park on Wikipedia before viewing it on Google Earth. What makes this a national park? Why would people want to live near the national park? Why would people not want to live near the national park? List a few of the conditions as to why it is not a good idea to live near the national park (tourists, windy conditions, etc.).

Image overlay

A link to Wikipedia should be found on Google Earth.

The terrain tool shoul be checked.

3. Mt. TimpanogasStudents should make predictions as to why very few people settle on Mt. Timpanogas? Do more or fewer people live near the top of Mt. Timpanogas compared to the bottom? What are some dangers of living near the top (avalanches, erosion, wind, earthquakes, etc.) Terrain tool checked.
4. Salt Lake DesertStudents will be taught the conditions of a desert in general and why few people would want to move to a desert. What are the pros about living in a desert? Is the Salt Lake desert eroding as we speak? Terrain tool checked.
Details of image overlay / path / polygon:

Polygons will highlight borders, image overlay will show a picture, and paths will show trails or roads.

The terrain tool will be used for all of the sites visited.

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