Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Technology-ehanced lesson

An idea I have for my technology-enhanced lesson is a digital storytelling. My first grade class is putting on a play this Thursday for the other first grade classes. I would video record the class play. Then I would upload, edit, and add to the video using digital storytelling.

My lesson would start off by reading a story book about a play. Then the students would watch their class play on the wall projected from a LCD projector and laptop cart. Then the students would have a journal write about their favorite part of the class play and what they like most, in general, about plays.

The students would enjoy watching their class play and this would be a reward to them for working so hard on practicing and performing their play. This idea is manageable for my classroom because we have a laptop cart and LCD projector available to the class. I feel that this project would be fun and rewarding for the students.

However, I am waiting for parental approval to go ahead with this project. I need all parents to agree that the video recording of their child during the class play is okay. I would turn this project in on a dvd to ensure privacy of the students.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great project. Usually the parental permission issue is not for taking pictures but rather for distributing them - especially online. Most parents would be happy to have a video of their play performance taken.

    I have done video projects at Larsen before and presented the video at a parent night - I didn't have to get special permission to do it. (I wasn't posting pictures online.)
